Here you can see a 1m x 1m (~39 x 39 inches) Artwork I’ve done some years ago. I used many different materials: mirror pieces, different kinds of mosaics, gold, silver and red acrylic modelling paste, crackle paint and stone palletes from the deco store. The work is done on a thin wooden panel.
At first I’ve done these thick gold lines to create a structure to the artwork. To get this 3D effect I used craft glue (here) and piled layers of tissue on top until I thought the line was thick enough. After the glue dried, the surface became hard and I painted the lines with gold acrylic paint (example: here ).
The next step was quite fun. I used the acrylic structure paste in gold and silver ( here / here or you can also use a normal modeling paste e.g. here and mix it with a golden acrylic paint here ) and put the red (here), terracotta and mirror mosaic pieces (here) I bought in a craft store. I also destroyed an old mirror to do this wave and the part in upper left. I didn’t use extra glue. The paste hardened quite fast and in some places I just spread some stone palettes on top of the paste layer. I also used a crackling paint in ruby red colour and in gold (I found something similar here and here ). The crackling of the paint happens during drying. In the crannies there is still a sticky surface and therefore I rubbed some gold and silver metallic powder into them. You can buy such stuff in various online shops. I used the german ‘Viva Decor Facettenlack’ and ‘Viva Decor Edelmetall Pulverr’ for this.
It took about one week to finish this piece. I had no idea how the work will look like at the end. Only the structure at the beginning I roughly sketched on the wood. But for all other parts the intuition was my only guide. This is always a process and most of the time I don’t really know what I am doing. Here you can see some details:

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