I took these pictures in Turkey on my holiday in May 2017. The best sunset of the whole holiday was on the day after a strong storm. The whole sky turned to the most beautiful colours and the motion of the waves on the sea was still turbulent. The footbridge caught my eye as well as an old tire in the sea. The motions around the tire looked really cool by using long time exposure. I used my Canon EF-S 10-18mm 1:4.5-5.6 IS STM objective, an ND400 filter and a tripod. The exposure time was about 0.6-0.8 seconds.
Storms are not an enemy to a photographer, but rather the opposite. They can turn the images into beautiful pieces of art. The contrast of the dark clouds and the shinny sun and in between these amazing transition colours. Of course you need a bit luck, too. But the most time you have to pay attention to the weather in order to foresee moments like this.
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